Yes, you did read the title correctly. I have my final Media Studies exam tomorrow, and I’m trying to finish all of my blog posts that I could have posted a month ago This, too, shall pass, right? Without writing unnecessary things here that you won’t want to read, I’d like to get right into the details of this post (which aren’t many Thank God). The only thing that kept me going while writing this post was the fact that it was the last post for “planning”!!
Team Bazooka conducted the risk assessment form prior to filming, which is defined as “an examination of what could cause harm on a specific shoot or at a specific location, so that the production company / producer can decide whether adequate control measures are in place to prevent harm.” (
I’ll attach a link to my Risk Assessment Form (created by me) below; it took me two sleepless nights to create because I couldn’t think of enough risks that could occur in our filming locations because both were very safe. So here it is.